Joey Rozek answered the call of God to come to England in February of 2007 and after a year of prayerfully waiting on the Lord and leading a Bible Study out of his home, he became the founding pastor of Calvary Cambridge.

The Lord set Joey apart at the young age of 10 and gave him a strong passion to lead people to Christ, to inspire others to wholeheartedly live and give the Gospel, and to make disciples who will go on to make disciples. Over the years, Joey has served as a youth pastor, evangelist, and Bible teacher in two large churches from Southern California to the east coast in New Jersey until he eventually was led to move overseas to the UK where he became the founding pastor of our church fellowship. 

After 10 and a half years of pioneering and establishing a Christ centered, Bible teaching church and working as a chaplain supporting teenagers through life’s challenges and pressures, Joey and his family felt led to return to his home country with missionary hearts to begin a new chapter of faith to see restoration in God’s church and to see a harvest of souls in the East Coast of New Jersey. 

These verses continue to be Joey’s ongoing testimony:

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” (Psalm 45:1) “O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works.” (Psalm 71:17) “To live is Christ; and to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21)

The Place God Calls Home


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