James Peat, Lead Pastor

James Peat is our Lead Pastor after being commissioned by the founding pastor Joey Rozek in the summer of 2017.

He was born and raised in Cambridge, baptised in Scotland, and since his conversion has traveled in India and the Middle East.

James’ vision is for the church to operate in the power and love of Jesus. His ministry is focused on teaching both the history and the present reality of the Gospel and he has a special interest in the Semitic roots of the early church.

With his Cambridge upbringing and a variety of cross-cultural experiences behind him, James is able to relate to all kinds of people and is passionate about seeing people set free from any form of bondage and living as true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Andy Higgins, Pastor / Youth Leader

Andy Higgins is our Assistant Pastor and oversees the Youth Ministry at Calvary Cambridge.

Andy was born in Manchester, England and was raised in a Christ centred home. However, it wasn’t until he began studying at the University of York in 2009, Andy made a true commitment to follow Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. During this time, his desire to grow in relationship with the Lord deepened, with doors opening to study at Bible College in 2014 for a year. Following this, Andy moved to Cambridge to teach Science at a local college, which he continues in today. Through this he has many opportunities to minister and share the Lord with the youth at the Christian union and Questions club. 

Andy has a big heart for the lost and broken youth of this generation and seeks to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to a hopeless generation. He continues to be zealous in learning and teaching the word of God; that the he may continue to read the word and allow the word to change and transform him into the image of Christ.

Andy and his wife, Bekah, serve together in the Youth Ministry.

Sebastian Simon, Deacon

Sebastian Simon serves as our Deacon overseeing all kinds of practical aspects within our church.

The Lord brought him to Calvary Cambridge by meeting pastor Joey in a very special way where there was an instant connection in the Spirit. Since then he has been privileged to be part of what he calls an amazing church fellowship that is committed to discipleship and being a pure lampstand for the Lord in Cambridge. 

Sebastian is really excited to serve and see people becoming a family of wholehearted disciples with a pure and simple devotion to Christ Jesus.